
What is WASi?

WASi is the team of application architects for the brands of the future. We innovate aggressively to move your business ahead.


What is WASi?

WASi is the team of application architects for the brands of the future. We innovate aggressively to move your business ahead.

Who We Are & What We Do


The WASi team is a vetted and experienced group of application architects, Web designers and next generation software development engineers with the training and experience to participate in any aspect of the project life cycle. Our client list includes Fortune 500 giants and plucky competitors in the SMB market - companies that are looking to innovate on the cutting edge and move their markets.

WASi is the bridge between software idea and development execution

Our three founders, Tim, Joe and Brian, come with decades of experience from Fortune 500 companies and hundreds of completed projects for start ups and SMBs. We have helped companies crystallize ideas from the drawing board and executed projects remotely using the most efficient specialists, all while keeping our clients' accountants happy by staying on time and under budget.

Who are we? We are a (purposefully) homegrown app development company with the precision experience for enterprise level business.

Our Philosophy

Building apps are not unlike building a house. You need the creatives to visualize your innovations, management to set forth the plan and craftspeople to execute the plan. This is a philosophy that has worked for the NFL, HBO Go, CBS, IBM, Sirius XM and many others, and we believe that it will work for you.


Our Approach

When it comes to vision, we learn from our clients as much as they learn from us. We love the fruitful discussions that come from the marriage of passion and technical experience. Our reputation comes from doing our part to ensure that our partnership creates the cutting edge technologies that will move your market.




We do our best to bring you technical expertise with a brand building perspective - engineers with an eye to marketing.


We do our best to bring you technical expertise with a brand building perspective - engineers with an eye to marketing.

The User Experience

The modern user expects a personalized, robust Internet experience across many screens. Our job is to provide you with an optimized design that maximizes results.

Quality Projects

WASi has built its reputation on comprehensive products that are developed as if they are our own. We are committed to excellence. We love this "stuff".

Time to Market

Your project gets done within your timeline. Every business has specific deadlines and it's our job to help you meet those. If we set a schedule, we stick to it.


Lower Costs/Higher ROI

We know how to work the nuances of our development tools to save you money while maximizing your project's functionality. Our team quickly scales to meet your budget.

Cross Training

We believe in a truly collaborative approach to successful software development where our teams become one and learn from each other during the partnership. 



We have extensive expertise on the front-end, middle tier and back-end across web, desktop, mobile and IoT.


We have extensive expertise on the front-end, middle tier and back-end across web, desktop, mobile and IoT.

WASi fills in the holes of your development process. If you need end to end development, we can help. If your process is set and you only need a few consultations, we can streamline and hone your work here as well. We have extensive expertise with front-end, middle tier and back-end across web, desktop, mobile and IoT platforms.


Continuous delivery through development to operations means a more efficient production and versioning schedule for high velocity delivery and product improvements -we'll help get you there.

Front to Back Techs

Full stack development capabilities for all major operating systems and platforms ensure the compatibility of your projects with your preferred deployment - web, mobile, desktop, or omnichannel.

Flexible Delivery Model

Able to engage from any geographical location or at any phase of the software development life cycle - creating a better ROI for clients. We scale up or down to meet your needs.

Enterprise Grade

Service to the scale of your business ensures cost effective, maintainable, integrated business solutions for client and backend systems regardless of the size of your business or the volume of the audience you serve.


The Internet of Things is set for mainstream acceptance. A higher percentage of products and systems that are based on the connectivity of the IoT are entering the marketplace every business cycle. If you are looking to move into this market well ahead of the curve, WASi is the partner you need. 

Consulting Service

Decades of operations technical expertise improve your customer outreach from both the technical and marketing perspective while allowing your in house staff to maintain their focus for higher all around efficiency.